Who is a Candidate
for Hip Resurfacing?

Diseases of the Hip

Non-surgical Alternatives
to Hip Resurfacing

The Procedure

The Implant

Hip Resurfacing:
Pre-op & Surgery Day

Hip Rehabilitation After Surgery

Preventing Hip Resurfacing

Frequently Asked Questions

Patient Education Videos

The Procedure

Until just recently, your orthopedist would likely be recommending total hip replacement surgery at this point of your disease state. While it is clearly a more bone-sacrificing procedure than hip resurfacing, total hip replacement is a safe and effective surgery, and is performed more than 300,000 times per year in the United States.

Hip before surgery Implant components

As you may know, total hip replacement requires the removal of the femoral head and the insertion of a hip stem down the shaft of the femur. Hip resurfacing, on the other hand, preserves the femoral head and the femoral neck. During the procedure, your surgeon will only remove a few centimeters of bone around the femoral head, shaping it to fit tightly inside the BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing implant.

Your surgeon will also prepare the acetabulum for the metal cup that will form the socket portion of the ball-and-socket joint. While the resurfacing component slides over the top of the femoral head like a tooth cap, the acetabular component is pressed into place much like a total hip replacement component would be.

Resurfacing System

Total Hip Replacement

Cuts Implanted

For more information about the BHR System, visit:
*Trademark of Smith & Nephew.