Drs. Abbott (Bo) Kagan, Todd Atkinson and James A Bynum are fellowship trained orthopedic orthopedic surgeons who practice general orthopedic surgery with a concentration in their area of expertise.
Our Specialties
Each of our fellowship trained orthopedic surgeons has special areas of interest.
Keep up to date with new information regarding the practice and updated information about each of A. Kagan Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Patient Forms
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A. Kagan Orthopedics and Sports Medicines New Website!
Date: 2009-11-02
A Kagan Orthopedics and Sports Medicine has partnered with Synergy Networks to develop our new website! We are proud of our new look and functionality. The website is being constantly updated, so check back often!
New addition to our team James A. Bynum, M.D.
Date: 2009-11-02
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new associate, James A. Bynum, M.D. He began working with us at A. Kagan Orthopedics & Sports Medicine on September 1, 2009